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Yod'm 3D v2.2
[ ] 28.04.2007, 22:52
Yod'm 3D v2.2
Yod'm 3D is a virtual desktop manager with the fashionable effect : the cube

By default, the rotation of the cube is done with the keys CTRL+SHIFT+Arrows :

CTRL+SHIFT+Left/Right = Next/prev desktop

CTRL+SHIFT+Up = Activate and show a "far" view of the current desktop, Left and right to turn the cube

CTRL+SHIFT+Down = Activate and show a "near" view of the current desktop, Left and right to turn the cube

Hold down CTRL+SHIFT to use the mouse to turn the cube.
( The rotation is possible only horizontally )

To move a windows to another desktop :

Click on the title bar of the window (not maximized if possible), hold down
Push CTRL+SHIFT to activate the cube, hold down
When the cube is activated, move the window on left or right

To change the wallpaper of a desktop :

Just use Windows !
For each desktop, change the wallpaper using the windows display setting.

Switch to another application :

Click on the Yod'm 3D icon in the taskbar, the list of the windows opened in other desktop appear.
Click on the application to switch to the desktop.

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